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Here are some paintings that Bob Boyd has done recently.

Click on an image to see a full sized version.

Printed on 8.5 x 11 Card Stock.

If you would like to get a print of any of these paintings, unframed paper prints are available for free with any CD order, just call us at (928) 776-0000 and let us know which one you would like!

Dedicated & Autographed

by the artist

Freedom Isnt Free
Christ's Crown of Thorns
The Kingdom Age
Adam and Eve
The Ressurection
Jesus Raising the Dead
Jesus Calming the Sea
Lion and the Lamb
Jesus with lost sheep
Fish Breakfast
Daniel in the Lions Den
Christ Coming in the Clouds

Moses Parting the Red Sea
Redwood Mountain Lake
Jesus Walking on the Water
Jesus praying with girl
Jesus Living Water
Cuddling with the lambs
Dancing with bears
God of all comfort
Jesus and cats

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

Acsension of Christ
Jesus is the Great Retriever
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
Parents! Don't simply ask what kind of education you want for your children.
Ask what kind of people you want them to become!

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