Christ’s 1000 Year Reign, p 1
Pastor David Jeremiah says, “There must be a millennium so we
can live out our rewards based on work we’ve done on earth.” After we
leave heaven, we will come back with Jesus to this re-newed earth to
rule over those on earth who are still in their natural physical
bodies. Author of Heaven, Randy Alcorn, says, “Our resurrected bodies
will be like Jesus’s body with flesh and bones. When Jesus appeared,
the disciples touched him, and he ate food to show he wasn’t a ghost.”
Amir Tsarfati, author of Revealing Revelation, says, “Our glorified
bodies will have great power and capabilities to serve our King
3/8/25 Christ’s 1000 Year Reign, p 2
There is coming a paradise on earth where we will have amazing powers
and abilities. We will see Isaiah 65 lived out with the wolf and the
lamb eating together and the lions eating straw. Author of Heaven,
Randy Alcorn, says, “We will not be disembodied spirits but have real
bodies like Jesus has. We will eat and taste the best food
imaginable.” Pastor Tony Evans says, “We will rule with Jesus to
enforce righteousness in glorified bodies that are invincible,
indestructible!” Pastor Chuck Smith says, “After living in paradise,
Satan is released from hell to deceive the nations to follow him to
war against Christ.”
Final Days of the Church Age, pt 1
We have entered a new era of global crisis as end time events fall
into place. A super crisis will be when millions of Christians are
raptured out of this world, creating massive chaos and carnage. Most
believers are not ready for the rapture but others, like Pastor Jack
Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, say they are excited, eager and
ready to go. Pastor Barry Stagner, author of The Time of The Signs – A
Chronology of Earth’s Final Events, quotes Jesus as saying ‘This
generation shall not pass away.’ The rapture is the most glorious
moment as flesh and blood are replaced with an everlasting spiritual
body with amazing capabilities.
2/22/25 Final Days of the Church Age, pt 2
Isaiah 17 prophecies the destruction of Damascus by Israel that could
be the beginning of the end of this period of God’s Grace. We
are living in the earth’s final days signaling that the rapture and
Great Tribulation are close. Pastor Barry Stagner, author of The Time
of The Signs – A Chronology of Earth’s Final Events, says we could see
the beginning of the Ezekiel 39 war but be raptured out before its end
since God’s grace gives way to his wrath on Israel’s enemies. The
Anti-Christ will come from the area of the Roman Empire. Amir Tsarfati
vividly describes the horrors of God’s judgement in the Great
Why God Allows Pain and Suffering, part 2
How can an all powerful God allow evil and suffering and still be
good? Ironically, people blame God for suffering and evil and
disregard sin and satan. What are the supposed Biblical contradictions
that skeptics ask about? Mark Mittleberg, author of Questions
Christians Hope No One Will Ask, says, “How can all religions be the
same when they are contradictory, such that Buddha didn’t believe in
God and Jesus claimed to be God.” Science teachers ask how anyone
honestly believe in God when there’s no proof in this scientific age
that He exists? What about those who have never heard the
Answering the Skeptic, part 1
What are some questions that Christians find hard to answer
convincingly? Ironically, they’re the ones that most need to be
answered. How do you answer. “What’s the proof for an invisible God’s
existence?” How do you know heaven exists? Inadequately prepared
students are easily persuaded to give up their Christian beliefs in
secular schools. Mark Mittleberg, author of Questions Christians
Hope No One Will Ask, gives fascinating examples of compelling answers
to sincere questions that enable skeptics to become believers.
What are the two essential concepts a person must believe before putting
their faith in God?
1/25/25 Abortion
Debate part 2
Mark Spence, VP of outreach at Living Waters, asked a young couple about
abortion. They said they believed in treating others as they would like
to be treated doesn’t apply to unborn babies, since it’s not a person!
Dr Bernard Nathanson who helped make abortion legal, and aborted 75,000
babies, says he was converted to be prolife and Christian and made a
sonogram of an abortion in “Silent Scream” demonstrating what abortion
really is. Radio host Mark Davis answered a caller that “privacy” is not
a constitutional justification to keep abortion legal. To be
honest, it is a baby and killing it is murder.
1/18/25 Abortion
Debate part 1
Life is precious when a woman wants a baby, but it’s a disposable
‘fetus’ when she doesn’t. So the life of the baby is dependent on
the mother, not absolute values. The exception for the ‘Life of the
mother’ has come to mean quality of life or convenience. Pro-life
speaker Seth Gruber, of The White Rose Resistance says, “50% of
all abortions are done with a pill, RU 486!” Abortion is part of the
deeper spiritual war but many pastors miss it. Charlie Kirk, president
of Turning Point USA, joins Seth Gruber to answer questions like, “keep
abortion safe and legal.” “What about rape, incest and life of the
Maturing Through Suffering
What do many Christians with weak faith do when disaster strikes? Radio
and TV host, Joni Eareckson Tada, author of more than 50 books
including, An Unforgettable Story, has suffered for over 50
years with quadriplegia and extreme pain. Then she got breast cancer!
What helps is focusing on Jesus and his suffering to pay for our
salvation. Tim Hansel, author of You Gotta Keep Dancin’- In
The Midst of Life’s Hurts You Can Choose Joy, suffered a tragic
fall that broke his back, causing him to be in extreme pain, says, “
This light and momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal
weight of glory beyond comparison!”
1/4/25 A Faith
That Overcame Fear
Do you have a vague hope that you’ll go to heaven or the certain
fearless faith that overcomes your fear of death? Pastor Randy
Alcorn, founder of Eternal Perspective Ministries, is the
author of over 60 books including Heaven and We Shall See
God, gives inspirational, heartfelt message at his wife Nanci’s
memorial service that will increase your faith and decrease your fear of
death. Strong faith doesn’t magically or instantly happen but takes
study and time to put into practice. Knowing God is Almighty and loves
us infinitely allows us to pray, “Thy will be done.” Nanci was
transformed by her deep faith in Christ.
12/28/24 When
God Doesn’t Make Sense
Since God is good and all-powerful, why does He allow terrible things to
happen to people? Why is God silent when I am hurting? How do you handle
unanswered prayers? Dr James Dobson, author of When God
Doesn’t Make Sense – Holding Onto Your Faith in the Toughest Times, tells
how broken he was by seeing his 3 year old son Ryan suffer during a
medical procedure. So too, God the Father suffered watching Jesus on the
cross. Jesus weeping with Mary and Martha over the death of Lazarus
shows how God suffers with us. Jesus demonstrated His power over death
by raising his dead friend Lazarus back to life.
12/21/24 The
Birth of God
The greatest event in all history was that the Creator of the universe
became a baby, the man Jesus. It’s amazing that the God who created
everything came to earth as a single cell, says famed actor Bruce
Marchiano. Pastor Francis Chan, author of Crazy Love,
gives an impassioned Christmas message exclaiming how God emptied
himself and left heaven to become a man! If you want to know what God is
like, look at Jesus! Jesus shows that God isn’t angry but loving,
patient and kind. When a primitive tribe first heard the gospel and how
God had forgiven them of all sins, they leaped for joy and celebrated
for hours.
12/14/16 Celebrating
What is God like? Hundreds of years before the birth of Christ, Isaiah
prophesied about Christ, “Unto us a Son is given: and His Name shall be
called Mighty God, the everlasting Father.” Was Jesus really God? Was He
the Creator? He was. God came to the earth He created in the smallest
form possible, as a single cell. Filmmaker Bruce Marchiano, who
acted the parts of Jesus in more films than any other, is the author of
Jesus Yesterday, Today and Forever. What was Jesus like as
a child? What was it like for Mary, expecting Jesus to rule the world,
to see Him crucified? Why did Jesus have so much supernatural joy?
12/07/24 USA
vs China
While China is preparing for war with America, America has no plan for
defense. China’s rapid military buildup of a nuclear arsenal and massive
navy is the largest since WWII. Is war with China inevitable? Gordon
Chang a renowned expert in US China relations and the author
of Plan Red- China’s Project to Destroy America, says, “China’s
President Xi Jinping has committed the crimes of the century causing the
bio-weapon covid to spread to every nation killing millions of people
and manufacturing fentanyl causing the death of 75,000 American
annually.” China’s hostile regime is fueled with money and tech from the
11/30/24 From
Crime To Christ
One of the most powerful and wealthy Mafia crime bosses has become an
ambassador for Christ. Michael Franzese made over $1 billion
dollars, $5 to $8 million per week, but gave it up for Christ. When
Michael’s dad went to watch his baseball games with 6 other mobsters, no
umpire would count 3 strikes on him. Out of the 50 biggest Mafia bosses
in Fortune magazine's list, he is the only one not murdered. After 10
years in prison and 3 years in solitary, he was alone with a Bible and
Jesus, he quit the Mob to follow Jesus. He saw his mother-in-law face
death from cancer without fear but a joy that she was going home.
11/23/24 Giving
God Thanks
Pastor Garrett Lear, whose ancestors came here on the Mayflower, says
this Christian country is being stolen! Peter Marshall, author
of The Light and The Glory, says the Pilgrims didn’t come
here for religious freedom but they came here as missionaries. The
Pilgrims were starving, with only 5 kernels of corn a day, but God
brought an English speaking Indian who taught them survival skills. Dr
John Pafford says it was the strong Christian faith of the
Pilgrims that established this nation as a Christian commonwealth and
fostered a free market economy. Vaughn Shatzer says Christianity
was foundational to all aspects of life.
11/16/24 Soar
On Wings Like Eagles
The majestic eagle is a symbol of strength and freedom. Just as opposing
winds cause an eagle to soar higher, so adversity strengthens Godly
people. So when adversity comes, don’t let it get you down, let it push
you up as you draw closer to God. Inspirational speaker, Gary
Horton, says the female eagle tests the male eagle to be sure he
will be there to catch the little eaglet as he falls from the nest. So
too, we can trust our Lord to be there to catch us when we fall. Mary
Whelchel, author of Soaring on High - Spiritual Insights from
The Life of An Eagle, makes parallels between God’s amazing eagle
and Christians.
11/9/24 God’s
Power and Design
Dr Richard Swenson, physician, physicist and best selling author
of More Than Meets The Eye – Fascinating Glimpses of God’s Power and
Design, describes the wonders of the human body, eye, ear and
brain. God works in between space and time and has an eternity to answer
the prayers of billions of people in a millisecond. The physical
universe is like a tiny molecule on God's throne. God displays power,
precision and beauty in His universe! Cuts of Pastor Chuck Smith on
how seeds propel them to spread away from the tree. God designed
coconuts to survive without salt water until the roots can get down to
fresh water.
11/2/24 Prayers For Our Nation
Jonathan Cahn, author of The Harbinger II, said, “America
is following the same pattern as ancient Israel, warring against God!” Dr
James Dobson, recited the sins of our nation then gave a
heartfelt, profound prayer for repentance and revival. Pastor Carter
Conlon of Times Square Church in NY city, says, “God is a
God of love but also He’s a God of justice. We have taken God, His
blessings and patience for granted.” Foley Beach says, “Christ
wants our nation to be RED hot, not lukewarm for Him.” In times of moral
crisis, neutrality is treason. David Stuckenberg warns that our
nation is falling to communism.
10/26/24 A
Time For Choosing
ICE recently reported staggering statistics showing that the
Biden/Harris open borders policy has allowed 13,000 murderers and
425,000 convicted criminals released into our country This is the
biggest crime story in our history. President Trump has been proven
right about the risks of a Harris/Biden administration. (Cuts of Trump.)
Pastor Gary Hamrick says voting is a Godly duty because of what
God has entrusted to us. Sen. Tom Cotton says Trump was the most
pro-life President, while Harris is the most pro-death. Pastor
John Bevere says if Christians don’t vote, they will allow
ungodly rulers to rule over us.
10/19/24 Why The Truth Matters
Are we just one national disaster away from tyranny? Could America
become tyrannical? Andy Andrews, author of How Do You Kill
11 Million People? - Why The Truth Matters More Than You Think,
says 11 million people is the number killed by Nazi's from 1933 to 1945.
Why couldn’t they have fought back? They were lied to by Nazi leaders
like Eichmann, and they believed it. Hilmar Von Campe, a German
soldier under Hitler, says we are being led down the same socialist road
that Germany went down. Hilmar gives a wake up call so we don’t
fall into the same terrifying Nazi-style totalitarian abyss Germany did.
10/12/24 Vote
We have a generation that is historically illiterate. (Cuts of college
students who say they’ve never heard of Adolph Hitler.) The minds of
people are changed from pro-abortion to pro-life by watching a
documentary comparing Hitler’s holocaust to America’s abortion holocaust
of millions of babies. Ray Comfort, producer of the film
entitled ”180”, makes people think! Killing innocent children in
abortion is similar to killing Jews in Nazi Germany. To say it’s a
woman’s choice is comparable to saying it was Hitler’s choice to kill
Jews. Comparisons are so convincing that people change their minds on
10/5/24 The
Tragedy in Israel Continues
Student protests in support of Hamas are support for barbarians! Gov Ron
DeSantis said he would cancel visas of those who support
terrorism. US Sen. Katie Britt who talked to those who witnessed the
horrors of terrorism said it’s evil. Doug Murray says, “Hamas
enriched their leaders and impoverished the Palestinians. Hamas
squandered billions to make terror tunnels instead of a Mediterranean
paradise.” Jeff Ballabon says world-wide anti-semitism portends another
holocaust. Pastor Billy Crone, author of The Final Countdown, said the
God who owns everything gave the land to Abraham and his descendants.
9/28/24 RFK’s
Campaign to Help Children
Why would Robert Kennedy want to be President when his dad and
uncle, President JFK, were assassinated? Robert Kennedy suspended his
campaign for President and is endorsing Trump so he can be part of
replacing the corrupt directors who allow the toxic chemicals/pesticides
in our food that’s causing chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer,
autism and neurological disorders. 77% of our kids are too disabled to
serve in our military. New leadership will eliminate the corruption in
the FDA, CDC and USDA by stopping the subsidies to conflicted
corporations. They will be replaced with unbiased federal directors.
Sex Identity Confusion
Michael Gurian, author of Raising Boys By Design, says
boys learn differently than girls and need to be taught differently.
Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation to protect grade school kids from
being sexualized. Other guests: Lt Gov. Mark Robinson, Pastor Jack
Hibbs of Calvary Chino. A Supreme Court justice can’t define the
word “woman” yet she is determining Supreme Court cases. Dennis Prager
says the confirmation of Judge Jackson will be the decline of our
civilization. Judge Ketanji Jackson could not answer when life begins,
meaning she has the same ideology as those who legalized child killing
in 1973.
9/14/24 A
Godly Education
Radio hosts Kevin Swanson and Adam McManus say putting a
Christian in public school is like playing Russian roulette with their
education, their beliefs and their souls. But instead of one bullet,
there are 4 or 5 bullets in the gun. Public schools rob children of
their innocence and confuse them with critical race theory. Dennis
Prager, said, “The one thing people can do to fight against the Leftist
destruction of our nation is to take their children out of public
schools.” Carole Joy Seid, said, “The most effective tool in
shaping a child’s character is great literature.” The right book at the
right time can change a child’s destiny.
9/7/24 The
Tragedy of 911
Remember 911. How would you overcome extreme fear and panic and remain
calm if you were in the World Trade Center’s towering inferno on 9/11,
and you were completely blind? Listen to a total triumph of trust in
this horrific catastrophe as a blind man, Michael Hingston,
describes his miraculous survival in the face of imminent death. Michael
Hingston, the national ambassador for the Braille Literacy Campaign, is
the author of Thunder Dog. Although Roselle, Mike’s guide dog, was
intensely focused on guiding him to safety, she remained calm and even
gave a firefighter a kiss on his final trip up the stairs.
8/31/24 Israel
– Iran Conflict
The religious leaders in Iran believe they can accelerate the coming of
their Muslim Messiah by destroying Israel. Mark Hitchcock, author of
Iran and Israel says the stage is being set for a war between Iran,
Russia and other countries against Israel.
Amir Tsarfati, author of Revealing Revelation, says Israel is
preparing their military for a strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. But
Russia has supplied Iran with advanced fighter jets and sophisticated
defenses. China is becoming active in the Middle East. Greg Laurie says
that this war may lead into the one prophesied by Ezekiel that God
intervenes to destroy Israel’s enemies.
8/24/24 Vote
Biblically or Not At All
America was once the model in the world as a Christian nation. But now
our nation is on the verge of God’s judgment. Why have pastors become
silent on social and political issues? Pastor Jim Garlow, author
of Well Versed – Biblical Answers to Today’s Tough Issues, says,
“Polls show Christians want their pastors to teach on Biblical solutions
to current issues, but silence from the pulpit has led to Biblical
illiteracy. Many pastors say they don’t discuss politics. Does that mean
they would have remained silent on slavery?” God raised up a pagan King
Cyrus and a coarse leader Churchill, because they were right for that
8/17/24 The
Left Isn’t Right!
How has our nation gone from Christian to where Christianity is
becooming criminalized? Where evil is called good and good is called
evil. Where Marxism and socialism are indoctrinated?Where God,
capitalism and country scorned? David Kupelian, author of The Marketing
of Evil: How Radicals, Elitists, and Pseudo-Experts Sell Us Corruption
Disguised As Freedom, says "Within our lifetime, what was once abhorred
has been accepted enlightened but is still grossly evil.” Words have
been changed to mean the exact opposite of what they used to mean.
Tolerance means intolerance. Killing a baby is a woman’s choice.
8/10/24 May
God Save Our Nation
When millions of Christians don’t bother to vote, how are they salt as
Jesus commanded? How can Christians be motivated to take part in the
political process that will affect all of our basic rights? Pastor and
former US Senate candidate, Bishop EW Jackson, says,”The redefinition of
gender, life, biblical morality and all our basic rights are involved in
this upcoming election. We are blessed to choose those who will serve
us, and not rule over us. The Democrat Party and the Left have become
the Marxist Party, a very anti-God Party.” He gives a powerful,
passionate oration using the Bible to motivate followers of Christ
Choosing the Right Education
What is the PURPOSE of education? Just to learn academics? Don’t
ask what kind of education is best, ask what kind of person do you want
your child to become? Bob Gannage says schools omit God in creation and
history. He sold encyclopedias so he could educate his kids himself. RC
Sproul, Jr, a home school expert, says home schooling is a joy that
produces children who relate well with people of all ages. Ed Gandy
built a $4 million school and hired teachers from his church to give his
church kids a Christian education. Brian Schwertley, says, "The greatest
commandment is to love the Lord with your MIND."
7/27/24 Make
America Great Again p.2
President Biden calls for unity while calling half the country a threat
to democracy. Biden says courageous conservatives with a gun are
no match for an F-15 fighter jet. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said, “Biden
has violated his oath of office by opening the border to millions of
illegals.” Curtis Bowers filmmaker of Agenda 2-Masters of Deceit –
Grinding America Down, says Marxists use censorship and lies to vilify
their opponents. Cuts of Donald Trump calling the raid on his home a
violation of law. When we will win in November, we will take men out of
women’s sports, take out CRT and transexualism from schools.
7/20/24 Make
America Great Again p.1
The President, the most powerful man in the world, has called MAGA (Make
America Great Again) Republicans an extremist threat to the foundations
of our nation. Trump advisor Stephen Miller said, “Biden does what
Marxists do; accuse us of what they are doing.” Charlie Kirk, founder of
Turning Point USA, says Biden calls us a greater threat than communist
Russia or China. Ben Shapiro, author of Brainwashed – How Universities
Indoctrinate America’s Youth, says Biden sounds and acts more like a
dictator than a President. MAGA Republicans are targets of the feds.
Politics is a tool in the hands of God and His people.
7/13/24 America’s
Marxist Public Schools, pt 2
We are witnessing a spiritual war for the future of our nation using
schoolchildren as pawns. Alex Newman, who wrote magazine articles in The
New American: Rescuing Our Children, says there is a deliberate dumbing
down of children using a reading method that’s a proven failure to
produce a people ignorant of history and functionally illiterate. The
founders of public education, Horace Mann and John Dewey, influenced the
teacher’s colleges so they would unwittingly follow a pattern used in
communist countries, to transform America to socialism and communism.
Socialism is transforming our nation.
7/6/24 America’s
Marxist Public Schools, pt 1
Pete Hegseth, author of Battle for the American Minds – Uprooting a
Century of Miseducation, says there’s a master plan using schools to
transform our culture from capitalist/Christian to Marxist/atheist. Mark
Levin says the basis of our school system is Marxist. Ray Moore,
President of Exodus Mandate, says churches should be schools. Dr Robert
Simonds says the NEA promotes homosexuality and Islam. Candace Owens
says classrooms have become predatory to children. D. James Kennedy says
schools are expert at converting children to humanism. Chuck Smith says
secular schools contribute to social problems.
6/29/24 The
Spirit of Liberty
Our precious freedoms are not based on government but on God. Freedom
isn’t appreciated until it’s lost. Todd Starnes, a Fox News
commentator and author of Culture Jihad-How to Stop the Left From
Killing a Nation, says, “What’s happening in our country is the result
of what has happened in schools being run by radicals. Without Biblical
values, we are left with chaos.” Os Guinness, author of Last Call for
Liberty- How America’s Genius Has Become Its Greatest Threat!, said,
“Freedom comes from self-government, not external force. As our freedoms
end, it’s a catastrophe, not just for America, but for the whole world!”
Churchill’s Courage
Imagine the fear, when on May 26th 1940, France had fallen and the
entire British army was surrounded by the Nazi war machine. The 338,000
British soldiers were surrounded by Hitler’s 5 million man army. It was
hopeless but one man, Winston Churchill, infused his nation with courage
and hope that saved Britain, with a huge armada of Navy and private
ships, that rescued Britain’s army at Dunkirk. Cuts from the movie, The
Darkest Hour, included the people in the underground telling Churchill
to never give up. This tear jerking moment gave Churchill and Parliament
the will to resist Hitler and win the war.
6/15/24 Psychology
as Religion
Schools used to teach values right from wrong. But now there are no
absolutes, that’s considered too religious. It’s up to each person to
decide for themselves. How did this happen? Psychologist Dr Bill
Coulson, along with Carl Rogers, introduced an experiment in the schools
that led to a cultural paradigm shift that changed the teacher to a
facilitator and switched absolutes for relative values. Dr Coulson says
this has led to a disaster for our culture! Dr Coulson explains how his
psychological experiment led to “situation ethics,” inventive spelling,
illiteracy, drug addiction, immorality, smoking, and etc.
6/8/24 Is
America Coming to an End?
Our government has so weaponized the powerful federal agencies that have
become so tyrannical that free and fair elections may be over. How long
can this nation survive spending a trillion dollars every 100 days just
to pay the interest on the 36 trillion dollar debt? Historian Victor
Davis Hanson, author of The End of Everything: How Wars Descend into
Annihilation, says we’ve never seen a US president impeached and
imprisoned in court cases after he left office. We have over 150,000
Middle Eastern students promoting antisemitism. Empires collapse because
of complacency and nativity. Theism is key to freedom.