I favor projects that are simple, easy, inexpensive, don't take a lot of time and have the potential for making an impact.
An example:
Yesterday, I went shopping. When I was at the pharmacy I noticed one of the pharmacists was obviously expecting. I said, “I hope you aren't going to send your child to a public school!” She asked why. My reply was, ”Because P.S. devastate children academically, morally & spiritually.” and gave her one of the sheets of info. I pass out on education titled, THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE FACING PARENTS, CHURCH & NATION. Several others in the pharmacy heard the interchange and commented about how bad schools have become.
I stopped to deposit some letters at the post office and put a sticker on the mailbox. I did the same thing on the entry doors of several businesses in the area as well as on gas pumps when I filled up with gas. All this took no more than 3 minutes of additional time.
The stickers I use are mfg. by Avery sticker #8660 and sold in office supply stores. Avery supplies the softwear needed to print these stickers on your computer. They do not harm the surface to which they are attached.
Guerilla marketing is a term used to describe the dissemination of information by various and sometimes somewhat unorthodox methods.
Use every method available to educate parents and others on the need to give children a Christian education as well as other issues. Here are some ways to distribute information.
- Leave waitress information with her tip.
- Call radio talk shows to express your opinion, educate listeners, and make announcements. The audience of local talk shows range in number from 100's to 1,000's whereas national talk shows usually have audiences in the millions. Generally on Friday you can talk on any subject. Here's some contact information on talk shows:
Neal Boortz 9:00AM – 12:00 noon EST 877-310-2100
Rusty Humphries 9 – 12AM EST 800-449-8255
Rush Limbaugh 3 – 6PM EST 800-282-2882
Mark Davis 9 – 12PM EST 866-888-6275
Write Letters to Editor Most newspapers limit the length to 200 words.
Place information in hymn books @ church.
Place information in library books.
Place information in magazines in professional offices reception areas
Place information on automobile windshields.
Place information on banquet tables.
Distribute information at church services.
Put information in letters and bill payments.
Place information in tourist information brochures at rest stops etc.
Distribute information on the internet.
Bumper stickers stating, 'Christian children need Christian Education' Available from
A rubber stamp stating, Christian children need Christian Education.
Use computer to print out stickers produced by Avery displaying a message such as, 'Christian Children need Christian Education' I put stickers in conspicuous places, and on envelopes.
Place signs on telephone poles stating, “Public Schools Harm Children” or “Christian children need Christian Education.” Available from
Golf shirts and baseball cap with a logo that states, “Christian children need Christian Education.” You can either have these made or use iron on T Shirt Transfers by Avery #8939.
An electronic sign on the back window of the car stating, “Christian children need Christian Education.” Available from
Limit financial support to churches, and organizations who are actively working to increase the Kingdom.
Christians can transform the postmodern culture and spread the gospel if they live out their faith, get out of their padded pews. All the things I've mentioned take little time, cost nearly nothing, and are effective. Are you willing to back up your faith by action, or as they say, “Put feet to your prayers”? Scripture tells us, Faith without works is dead.
If Christians had 10% of the commitment of many secularists, America would still be a Christian nation. Our forefathers were willing to die for their faith. Unfortunately, today the typical American who considers themselves to be a Christian would rather offend God than offend people. James 7:14
You can't do everything, but you can do something. Christ told us to spread the Gospel and to build the Kingdom. Think about it. To put things into perspective I suggest you watch the movies, “Sophie Scholl:-The Final Days” Here's an excerpt:
http:⁄⁄⁄watch?v=JjE020YHPkE&feature=related and “
Schindler's List.” - See the ending scene of Schindler's list @: http:⁄⁄⁄watch?v=zvyZnOukZLg
Here are some of the messages I frequently use: Try it, you'll like it.