Dr. Robert Dreyfus
Missionary⁄Exodus Mandate
(352) 216-1703
A Simple, Inexpensive Way To Save Children's Souls
Attached are 3 pamphlets designed to give parents and others information on public (government) schools. It is something that Christians can do who are limited in time, energy and money. There is a 1 page secular version written for the public at large and another version worded for distribution at church and Christian events & another which addresses the relationship of abortion and education. Have them printed and tri-folded so that the title is visible. The cost of printing should be approximately 6 cents⁄copy.
I distributed the Christian version at a state meeting of the Florida Baptist Convention in 2004. Pastor Ed Gandy of First Baptist Church of High Springs, Florida read it, and stated that it “gripped him.” Upon returning to his church he called a meeting of teachers in his congregation, passed out the article, and asked them if it was true. He said at first the teachers were angry, but as the meeting progressed they admitted it was true. He called for strategy meetings, and his church recently completed building a 4 million dollar, 31,000 sq⁄ft Christian school !
How To Distribute – The Magical 9 Words
Here is the method that I've found to be very effective. When I go shopping etc. I carry the article and offer it to those who have children with them. I say, “May I share this information on children with you?” I smile as I offer the article and hold it so that they can see the title. Very few refuse to accept the article, and most people are genuinely appreciative.
Encourage Others To Distribute Article
Let others read it and explain how effective and easy it is to distribute and give them give them copies. Tell them if they need more to call me to provide them with a camera ready copy suitable for printing or photocopying.
Having done this for over three years, I'm totally convinced that this method of informing people, and saving children's souls is not only very productive, but takes extraordinarily little time, energy or money.
(Feel free to edit the pamphlets as you see fit).
The following one page pamphlet was designed to be distributed @ grocery stores etc.
In 1983 a report issued by the National Commission on Excellence in Education said, “If a foreign power were responsible for the state of education in America we would have considered it an act of war.” Since then public schools have become much worse.
Public schools have indoctrinated generations of children to believe in situational ethics, multiculturalism, socialism, sexual promiscuity, feminism and evolution. They teach that God is irrelevant in addition to lowering academic standards. Homosexual organizations indoctrinate children as young as 5 into acceptance of homosexuality as a normal lifestyle and studies show that 10% of students are sexually abused by teachers or school employees.
The result is that over 40% of high school graduates are functionally illiterate and children in America have the lowest academic achievement of nearly all industrialized nations. Sexually transmitted diseases are rampant, drug use is common and there is growing violence among youth. Young people believe there is no absolute truth and 88% of children who attend government schools leave the church.
Elementary school is far more important than most parents realize. Not only does elementary school provide the foundation on which further learning takes place, but studies show that by the time children reach the age of 13, they have developed the worldview (the way they see the world) which they will probably have throughout their lives! Parents need to provide an education which is academically sound and that preserves moral values either by homeschooling children or enrolling them in a truly Christian school. |
In spite of all the evidence to the contrary, parents rationalize that the school their child attends is the exception and is a 'good” school.' Face the facts, public schools are devastating your children spiritually, morally and intellectually on a daily basis. Society has become increasingly dysfunctional because we've been treating symptoms rather than the cause of the problems - government schools have become a cancer eating at the soul of America.
We're only given one chance to raise our children. Sadly, many parents spend time, energy, and money on less important issues than how best to educate their children. Lack of money, knowledge or being a single parent should not prevent you from giving your child a good education. To learn how you can raise a well educated, responsible, moral child call 352-216-1703. email rd@wb4me.com
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Charlotte Izerbyt (Available free on the web @ www.deliberatedumbingdown.com
The Harsh Truth About Public Schools by Dr. Bruce Shortt
Public Schools, Public Menace by Joel Turtel
This pamphlet was designed to be distributed @ Christian churches⁄events
James Dobson states in the book, Children at Risk: “A great Civil War of Values rages today…Two sides with vastly differing and incompatible worldviews are locked in a bitter conflict that permeates every level of society…the struggle now is for the hearts and minds…the war is not fought with bombs and bullets, but with ideas.”
The struggle is for the hearts and minds of our children. The enemy's weapon is the public (government) school system which has lowered academic standards, indoctrinated generations of children to believe in multiculturalism, socialism, sexual promiscuity, evolution, relativism, feminism, teach that God is irrelevant and that the religion of Secular Humanism holds the best hope for mankind. Homosexual organizations are indoctrinating children as young as 5 in many public schools into accepting homosexuality as a normal alternative lifestyle, and 3,500 schools have homosexual clubs. Government schools have become much worse than they were in 1983 when the National Commission on Excellence in Education issued their study that said, “If a foreign power were responsible for the state of education in America we would have considered it an act of war.”
Secular educations' intent is to sever our nation from it's Christian moorings by instilling a secular non-Christian worldview in children so that when they become adults serving in the courts, the government, the news media, the entertainment industry and even in our churches they will retain a secular worldview. This indoctrination has proven so successful that Christian researcher, George Barna reports that presently only 5% of adult Christians have a Biblical worldview!
Studies show that by the time children reach the age of 13 they have developed the worldview and the relationship with Christ they will probably maintain throughout their lives. The Council on Family Life reports that 88% of the 50 million children who attend government schools leave the church, and most never return. This equates to 9,000 children⁄day 365 days⁄yr whose souls are being destroyed. (Over 2X the number of children being destroyed in the womb!) Whereas in homeschools over 90% of home schooled children accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. We must educate and disciple our children before their hearts are hardened, but 2 hours in church does not make up for 35 hours⁄week in a government school. Secular humanism has no place in the heart and mind of a Christian, yet this is exactly what schools teach. Children are our most precious possession. Christians need to provide a Christian education for children either by homeschooling or enrolling them in a truly Christian school.
America is no longer a Christian nation because we have been treating symptoms rather than the cause of the problems - the secular public schools. Most Christians are totally unaware of the toxic effects schools have upon children. They continue to spend time, energy and money in the hopeless task of working to improve them or give excuses why we should continue to sacrifice our children. (Any reason is a good one if you don't want to do something.) We must face the fact that schools are devastating our children spiritually, morally and academically by a godless ideology indoctrinating them on a daily basis. Schools have become training camps for secularists, killing fields for our children, and a cancer eating at the soul of America.
Martin Luther stated, “There is nothing which will more surely earn Hell for a man than the improper training of his children; and parents can perform no more damaging bit of work than to neglect their offspring…it is highly necessary that every person regard the soul of his child with greater concern than the flesh which has come from him; that he consider the child nothing less than a precious, eternal treasure, entrusted to his protection by God so that the devil, the world and the flesh do not steal and destroy it. For the care of the child will be required from the parent on Judgment Day in a very strict reckoning.”
Three times God tells us in the N.T.,“…fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to
kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” Mt 10:28
In Deut 6:4-9 God COMMANDS parents to raise children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. We deliberately disobey God's commandments when we send our children to anti-Christian government schools. If we are not striving to obey what we know God commands we must ask ourselves, why are we continuing to profess it to others if we don't follow it ?
If we continue to do what we've been doing and not address this issue, within 12 years the church will resemble churches in Europe where most churches are closed and Christianity has become irrelevant. Does it make sense to expend all our time, energy and money on lesser things and ignore the most important issue - our children's souls?
Dr. Bruce Shortt asks, “If you have placed your children, God's gift to you, under the authority of pagans and the godless during their most vulnerable and impressionable years, do you truly expect to be told at the end of your race, “Well done, good and faithful servant?”
God tells us three times in the N.T.“…fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” Mt 10:28 Mark 9:42 Luke17:2
The church has a responsibility to help parents provide their children with a Christian education. Any church that has unused space from Monday – Friday can establish a One Room Christian School for almost no cost. Doing this may well save children's souls, and help save our nation. Is your church responding to this need? If not, why not? We also show how a Christian school can contribute financially to the church budget. For additional information call 352-216-1703 or rd@wb4me.com. |
“The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America” by Charlotte Izerbyt (Available free on the web @ www.deliberatedumbingdown.com
“The Harsh Truth About Public Schools” by Dr. Bruce Shortt
“Public Schools, Public Menace” by Joel Turtel
This pamphlet was designed to be distributed to the prolife community.
Since we share common values and concern for children, I thought you might want to have some information that is not common knowledge. Everyday we're losing approximately 3,500 preborn children. This is terrible and Christians like you are trying to stop it, but few Christians are doing anything to protect school age children and that is the main reason we've not been more successful ending abortion. Keep on doing what you're doing, but please consider giving a portion of your time to save the nearly 50 million school age children whose lives and souls are being devastated at the rate of 9,000 every day! Doing this would be the most effective way to save the preborn. Let me explain.
James Dobson says, “A great Civil War of Values rages today…Two sides with vastly differing and incompatible worldviews are locked in a bitter conflict that permeates every level of society…the struggle now is for the hearts and minds of our children.”
The enemy's weapon is the public (government) schools which have lowered academic standards, indoctrinated generations of children to believe in evolution, relativism, feminism, multiculturalism, socialism, sexual promiscuity, teach that God is irrelevant and that the religion of Secular Humanism holds the best hope for mankind. Homosexual organizations are indoctrinating children as young as 5 in many public schools into accepting homosexuality as a normal alternative lifestyle, and 3,800 schools have homosexual clubs. Government schools have become much worse than they were in 1983 when the National Commission on Excellence in Education issued their study that said, “If a foreign power were responsible for the state of education in America we would have considered it an act of war.”
Secular educations' intent is to sever our nation from it's Christian moorings by instilling a secular humanist worldview in children so that when they become adults serving in the courts, the government, the news media, the entertainment industry and even in our churches they will promote abortion and other anti-Christian issues. This indoctrination has proven so successful that Christian researcher, George Barna reports that presently only 5% of adult Christians and 51% of pastors have a Biblical worldview. If our legislators and judges had a biblical worldview we wouldn't have the problems we have. Future legislators and judges will continue to support abortion if they are educated in the public schools.
Studies show that by the time children reach the age of 13 they have developed the worldview and the relationship with Christ they will probably maintain throughout their lives. The Council on Family Life reports that 88% of the 50 million children who attend government schools leave the church, and most never return. Is this what you want to happen to your children or grandchildren? In contrast to this more than 90% of home schooled children accept Christ as their Lord and Savior and stay active in the church. Christians need to provide a Christian education for children either by homeschooling or enrolling them in a truly Christian school.
America is no longer a Christian nation because we have been treating symptoms rather than the cause of the problems - the secular public school system. Most Christians are totally unaware of the toxic effects schools have upon children and continue to spend time, energy and money in the hopeless task of working to improve them. We must face the fact that schools are devastating our children spiritually, morally and academically by a godless ideology taught to them on a daily basis. Schools have become training camps for secularists, killing fields for our children, and a cancer eating at the soul of America.
Martin Luther stated, “There is nothing which will more surely earn hell for a man than the improper training of his children;
God tells us three times in the N.T.,“…fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” Mt 10:28 Mark 9:42 Luke17:2
In Deut 6:6 - 9 God COMMANDS parents to raise children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. If we are not striving to obey what we know God commands we must ask ourselves, why are we continuing to profess it to others if we don't follow it?
If we continue to do what we've been doing and not address this issue, we will never be successful in stopping abortion and the church will become increasingly irrelevant. For additional information call 352-216-1703 or rd@wb4me.com.
“The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America” by Charlotte Izerbyt (Available free on the web @ www.deliberatedumbingdown.com
“The Harsh Truth About Public Schools” by Dr. Bruce Shortt
Guerilla marketing is a term used to describe the dissemination of information by various and sometimes somewhat unorthodox methods.
Use every method available to educate parents and others on the need to give children a Christian education as well as other issues. Here are some ways to distribute information..
Leave a waitress information with the tip.
Call talk shows to express your opinion, educate listeners, and make announcements. The audience of local talk shows range in number from 100's to 1,000's whereas national talk shows usually have audiences in the millions. Generally on Friday you can talk on any subject. Here's some information on talk shows:
Neal Boortz 8:30AM – 1:00PM EST 877-310-2100
Rusty Humphries 9 – 12AM EST 800-449-8255
Rush Limbaugh 3 – 6PM EST 800-282-2882
Mark Davis 9 – 12PM EST 866-888-6275
Write Letters to Editor Most newspapers limit the length to 200 words.
Place information in hymn books @ church.
Place information in library books.
Place information on automobile windshields.
Place information on banquet tables.
Distribute information at church services.
Put information in letters and bill payments.
Put information in tourist information brochures at rest stops etc.
Distribute information on the internet.
Bumper stickers stating, Christian children need Christian Education. Available from www.exodusmandate.org
A rubber stamp stating, Christian children need Christian Education.
Use computer to print out stickers produced by Avery displaying a message such as, 'Christian Children need Christian Education' I put stickers in conspicuous places, and on envelopes.
Place signs on telephone poles stating, “Public Schools Harm Children” or “Christian children need Christian Education.” Available from www.exodusmandate.org
Golf shirts and baseball cap with a logo that states, “Christian children need Christian Education.” You can either have these made or use iron on T Shirt Transfers by Avery #8939.
An electronic sign on the back window of the car stating, “Christian children need Christian Education.” Available from www.roadmasterusa.com
Limit financial support to churches, and organizations actively working to increase the Kingdom.
Christians can transform the postmodern culture and spread the gospel if Christians live out their faith, get out of their padded pews, and go out and recapture the culture. All the things I've mentioned take little time, cost nearly nothing, and are effective. Are you willing to back up your faith by action? Scripture tells us, Faith without works is dead. Is your Christian faith and civilization stronger than the humanists and Islamic Jihadists faith? If Christians had 10% of the commitment of most Muslims, America would still be a Christian nation. Think about it.