In these most troubling of times, and in a morally crumbling body politic, it seems as though we have become our own worst enemy. Most fail to understand the role which the public (government) school system plays in undermining our nation’s heritage of freedom and liberty by dumbing down children, and indoctrinating them into a socialist progressive worldview diametrically opposed to the foundations upon which America was founded. According to numerous studies the vast majority of the 50 million American children are negatively impacted by this corrupt system.*
Considering all, it stands to reason that children’s education should be the most urgent mission field of every Christian.
Three things you can do that would make a significant impact:
1. Most people think that their child’s school is the exception and is a good school. Distribute the flier, The Most Important Issue Facing Parents, Church & Nation. For years I’ve distributed this flier. I hold it so they can see the title and say, “May I share this information on children with you?” Most people take it and seem genuinely appreciative that I am concerned for their children. It makes an impact, and God used it to build a 4 million dollar Christian school in High Springs, Fl!
2. Request a local radio station to carry interviews by Bob & Geri Boyd on various issues www.IssuesInEducation.org or Kevin Swanson’s www.GenerationRadio.com.
3. Financially support a ministry that is addressing this issue. This is the exclusive issue of Exodus Mandate. www.ExodusMandate.org
If you are concerned about this vital issue and would like to move forward, I would be delighted to share with you, and help in any way possible. I am the Florida State Coordinator for Exodus Mandate whose mission is to see culture transformed by giving children a Christian worldview education. I receive no income from Exodus, and there is no charge for any of my services.
Dr. Robert Dreyfus
(352) 216-1703
*If after reading this you believe it is exaggerated, than I suggest you go to the following link which gives the results of numerous studies by many sources.